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Online Registration of IFEZ Korean Class(2023 3rd Term)
  • 2023-08-11

  • 945

  • 투자유치기획과 (032-453-7355)


Here is the link for the 2023 3rd term of IFEZ Korean Regular Class online resgistration!

You can register here:


The resgistration period will start on Aug 14 (Monday) at 11:00.

This is for the regular course, not Hangeul(Korean alphabet) class. The Hangeul class registration will start from Aug 21.

If you are not sure which level you need to choose, we recommend you to take a level test here:

IFEZ - Korean Class Level Test Information

and further information for each level and text books:

IFEZ - Korean Class Level and Textbook Information

Thank you for your interest!