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What's On
2023 IFEZ Kimchi Day (Kimchi Making for Charity)
  • 2023-11-24

  • 277

  • 투자유치기획과 (032-453-7355)

IFEZ Kimchi Day is back!

Please join with us whoever wants to experience special Korean culture by making kimchi not only for yourself but for the people in need.

- Date: December 13 (Wed), 13:30 - 16:30

- Location: IFEZ Global Center (1F, G-Tower)

- Open to : Expats in IFEZ (limited to 20 people(adults only), firsrt come first served)

- Participation Fee : Free

- Registration Period: November 29 - December 5

- Online Registration Link : https://forms.gle/ukMaFin32HaF31kE7  (available during the registration period only)

- Inquiry : 032- 453- 7355, ifezglobal@gmail.com