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GCF Special Lecture Event for Responses to Global Climate Change
  • 2024-10-23

  • 170

  • 투자유치기획과 (032-453-7662)

Incheon Metropolitan City is hosting a special lecture by Stephanie Speck, the GCF Head of Communications to share the GCF's climate action and to enhance awareness of the young generation. 

Please refer below for the details and the poster for registration.

pecial Lecture>

When: 2024. 10. 31. (Thursday) 15:00 - 16:30
Where: Small Auditorium,5F, IGC Support Center, Incheon Global Campus
Lecturer: Stephanie Speck, GCF Head of Special Initiatives
Participants: University students in Incheon and citizens (Registration closed on a first come first served basis)

*Do not miss the satisfaction survey event at the end of the lecture!