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IFEZ Happy Study Room Season 6 Business Agreement signed
  • Date Created : 2024-08-19
  • Number of Views : 81
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7107)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7106)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7105)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7104)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7102)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7101)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7100)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7107)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7106)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7105)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7104)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7102)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7101)-원본
(240819)IFEZ 행복한 공부방(시즌6) 업무협약식(7100)-원본

On August 19, 2024, the Incheon Economic Free District Office of Education signed a happy study season with 10 companies, 10 companies signed a happy study with the IFEZ moved to the IFEZ residential Children's Foundation.The IFEZ Happy study project was started October 2017 as part of the community contribution project to share the Plaintiff's Wondo Province.The project shall also contribute to improve the study environment and learning motivation for children's study and learning motivation for children's study and learning motivation for learning motivation and learning motivation.