Cheongna City Tower Construction Project
Business Outline
- LocationCentral Lake Park, Cheongna International City
- SizeHeight 448m (2 basement floors, 30 floors above ground)
- Business EntityKorea Land & Housing Corporation (LH)
- Business EntityCheongna City Tower Consortium (SPC)
- ContractorHanyang Co., Ltd., re-selecting the main contractor
- Project Period2016 -
- Facilities introducedSales facilities, restaurants, observatories, skywalks, sky gardens, etc.
- Expected benefits
- 1. Increased city competitiveness
- The world's sixth-largest observation tower with a view of Kaesong
- LAND-MARK status of Incheon Free Economic Zone
- 2. Attracting tourists
- Promotion of global tourism linked to Incheon International Airport, 3rd Bridge, and Cheongna International City
- Enhances the brand of Cheongna International City as an eco-friendly tower that complements the Cheongna Lake Park, etc
- Progress Status
- 2007.10 : City Tower International Idea Contest
- 2016.01 : Signed a consignment agreement (Economic Affairs Agency ↔ LH)
- 2016.10 : City tower project implementer selection (Bosung Industrial Co., Ltd., Hanyang Co., Ltd., Tower Escrow)
- 2017.02 : Signed an agreement for the construction, management and operation of City Tower (LH ↔, Cheongna ↔ City Tower Co., Ltd.)
- 2019.03 : Signed a contract with a high-rise contracting company
- 2019.11 : Held a groundbreaking ceremony
- 2020.03 : Civil engineering work commenced
- 2020.10 : Terminated the contract between SPC and construction company (POSCO E&C)
- 2021.03 : Foundation excavation (1st) construction completed
- 2021.06 : Held briefing session for bidding
- 2021.09 : Held briefing session for on-site bidding
- 2021.11 : Total project cost-sharing agreement and bid announcement
- 2022.02 : Selection of bidders(Posco)
- 2022.03 : Review of bid details and promotion of GMP (maximum guarantee amount) contract
- Department in chargeYeongjong Cheongna Planning and Cheongna Planning Team